Margaret T. (Margie) Reeves Gosa
A Tribute to Margie Gosa 1958-2018 Dear Dr. Miller, Your letter came in the mail Saturday. I had no problem with you reading my letter at Margie’s memorial. Ginger has kept me in the loop with current news and former PAM employees. I will miss Margie and I have been thinking of her […]
Bill Manning
How do you summarize the life of someone who has been a best friend? What words of comfort do you select to comfort his family? How do you describe in these brief moments a friendship that lasted over 50 years? Finally, how do you say, Good-bye ? We met the fall of our freshman […]
Robert Lee Lively
Ted Medlin Funeral Message
Jane and Bob Gray
Council Wooten Southerland
Anna Southerland Everett
Bernard Wasserman
6 March 2007 Mrs. Bernard Wasserman 501 Madison Ave 28th Fl New York, NY 10022 Dear Mrs. Wasserman, I am writing to you on behalf of the members of the American Academy of Periodontology to express our deep sympathy on the passing of your husband Bernard. He was an excellent periodontist, whose […]
Dr. Thomas H. Tatum
Letter to Tommy What a lucky man you are – What with a new body you can go for a walk or a jog or even a run . If you run don’t worry about getting sweaty – folks don’t sweat in Heavan . You […]